
Video: Saturday Night Live Guest Perfomances

One thing that Saturday Night Live has each week is a guest actor, actress, or personality.  They have their guest star act in a short skit and have a good time with them.  Well, In the church world we have guest personalities as well.   We call them guest speakers.

In New England we have a love for our Patriots NFL team.  In recent years they have also torn our hearts out.  In big games.  Like the Superbowl.  Losing to the GIANTS.  Twice. 🙁

Anyway, we invited former Patriot and two time winning, Super Bowl champion, Don Davis to join us for a special service.  He is an ordained minister and an excellent speaker. (Check him out here ). I was thinking about the Saturday Night Live guest skit model and wondered if Don would be up for a little fun.  Before coming to the pulpit we would include him in a little skit to break the ice and double as an intro.  I contacted him and asked if he would be interested in the idea.  He liked the concept and was willing to play along.

I had to give Don a role that he could just walk into and improv. There were no lines for him to learn and he would just react to the acting that was around him.

NOTE: This was done for a College / Young Adult service and it was filmed form the front row with a flip camera.

Here is the end result.  It was a lot of fun. Enjoy.

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